Today was a beautiful sunny day at Serenity Lavender Farm and it reminded me of our recent trip to the Carribean where we saw butterflies that looked like the same beautiful monarchs that flitter about our lavender plants each year. Each year we are blessed to experience the spectacular monarch migration each fall. But we’ve discovered that while we have many photos taken by us and our friends of the beautiful butterflies that allure our visitors to come to the farm, the regal monarch butterfly has always remained illusive to the camera lens. So this year we have made a resolution here at Serenity Lavender Farm and that is to capture that gorgeous monarch butterfly on film ( although its not really film anymore with digital photography). So this year we invite you to come photograph that illusive monarch or to simply enjoy the spectacular show of the flight of the butterflies at our beautiful farm.
- Lavender is a must for your butterfly garden. Eight-spotted Forester enjoying the nectar.